Grilled Hamour Fish With Video


Grilled Hamour Fish: A Delicious and Nutritious Delight

Grilled Hamour Fish is a culinary treasure that combines the delicate flavors of this prized Gulf fish with the smoky essence of grilling. Known for its firm texture and mild taste, Hamour (also known as grouper) is a versatile ingredient that is perfect for various culinary techniques.

Culinary Significance

In the Gulf region, Hamour is often featured in traditional dishes, celebrated for its ability to absorb flavors while maintaining its distinct texture. Chefs around the globe appreciate Hamour for its versatility, making it a favored choice for grilling, baking, and frying.

Health Benefits of Hamour Fish

Hamour Fish is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, making it a great choice for those looking to build and repair tissues. Additionally, it is low in saturated fat, making it a heart-healthy option. One of the standout benefits of Hamour Fish is its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Hamour Fish is rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and selenium.

Tips for Grilling Hamour Fish

When selecting Hamour Fish for grilling, freshness is key. Look for fish with clear eyes, bright red gills, and firm flesh. Fresh Hamour should have a clean, briny smell, indicative of its ocean origin.

Grilling Techniques

Grilling Hamour Fish requires attention to detail to ensure it is cooked perfectly. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat and oil the grates to prevent sticking. Place the fish on the grill and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side, depending on the thickness. The fish should be opaque and flake easily with a fork when done.


Grilled Hamour Fish is not only a delicious meal but also a nutritious addition to any diet. Its rich nutrient profile, combined with its mild flavor and firm texture, makes it a favorite among seafood enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook, Hamour Fish is a versatile and rewarding choice for your next meal.

hamour fish

Grilled Hamour Fish With Video

Grilled Hamour Fish is a culinary treasure that combines the delicate flavors of this prized Gulf fish with the smoky essence of grilling.
Course sea food


  • 1 no. Hamour Fish Cleaned and skinned

Ingredients For Marination Of Hamour Fish:

To Prepare Butter Lemon Garlic Sauce:

To Prepare Salad


For Marination:

  • Clean the hamour fish with lemon.
    fish 1
  • Wash the fish in running water.
  • Make gashes on the hamour fish.
    fish 3
  • Take all the ingredients listed under marination.
  • Prepare a mixture of the ingredients. Apply the marinade carefully on both sides of the fish. Keep aside for 30 minutes.
    fish 6

For Grilling:

  • Heat the grill on medium to high flame. Place the marinated fish in a grill basket. Needs 7 to 10 minutes for each side..
    fish 7
  • Apply olive oil after every 5 minutes.
    fish 8
  • Grilled hamour is ready.
    fish 9

To Prepare Butter Lemon Garlic Sauce:

  • Heat butter in a pan.
    butter 1
  • Add 1 tbsp crushed garlic.
    butter 2
  • Add 1 tbsp Lemon Zess
    butter 3
  • Heat and mix well the ingredients. Add required salt and black pepper powder. Add 1 tbsp lemon juice and cook for few minutes. Put off the flame. Butter Lemon Garlic sauce is ready.
    butter 4

To Prepare Salad:

  • Chop onion and parsely.
    onion 1
  • Add 1 tsp Sumac. Add required salt and mix well.
    onion 2
  • Add 1 tsp lemon juice.
    onion 4
  • Add 1 tbsp olive oil. Mix and Onion Salad is ready.
    onion 5
  • Pour Butter Lemon Garlic sauce over the grilled Hamour fish and enjoy with onion salad.
    onion 6


You can visit this link King Fish Grill.
Keyword Grilled Hamour Fish
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