Mix together the mustard powder, pepper powder, salt and vinegar.
Smear the mixture over the meat and marinate for a long time.
Melt butter and before it turns into ghee, place the meat in it and saute on all sides.
Add boiling water and cook till tender. This can be cooked in pressure cooker also.
Remove the cooked meat and take the gravy in a heavy bottomed pan and boil over low heat. Do not stir. The oil separates and the masala adheres to the pan. Strain off the oil.
Pour 1/2 cup boiling water and mix well with the scarped masala adhering to the pan. When the gravy is 3/4 cup, remove from fire.
Heat 1 tbsp of the strained oil and fry chilli powder on gentle heat.
Add tomato pieces and saute till oil separates.
Pour the gravy and season with salt and sugar.
Slice the beef roast and serve with hot gravy. Boiled vegetables, small Bombay onions and small boiled potatoes can be sauted in butter and served with the roast.